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I want more impact online

Guides to generate more impact online

Guides to generating more impact online

How to create a social media strategy for your research that delivers real impact

Our step-by-step guide to making a social media strategy, including an easy-to-complete template to help you get the most out the time you spend on social media.

How to generate research impact from Twitter and LinkedIn

Updated guide showing how you can drive impact from your research without wasting time online. 


Media Impact Guide and Toolkit

Our guide for University press offices to enable researchers to generate real-world impacts from the opportunities that arise from media coverage, evaluate the significance of impact from media coverage and work more effectively with professional services impact teams to provide a more integrated service to researchers.



How to turn your next paper into an infographic

Our guide to turning a research paper into an infographic in six easy steps.

How to start a newsletter that will get read and generate impact from your research

Find out why starting a newsletter might drive more impact from your research than engaging with social media, and get 6 tips for creating a newsletter that people look forward to reading and act upon.

How to make a podcast that generates research impact in 10 easy (and free) steps

How to create your own podcast with no training, experience or money, and use it to generate res

15 questions to tell you if your professional online identity is an asset or a risk (and what you can do about it)

What does your digital footprint say about you? Not everyone who asks themselves that question is happy with the answer. However, there are some simple things you can do to ensure your digital footprint represents you effectively and works for (not against) you.

How to bring coherence to a fractured digital profile

When people Google you, are they confronted with a confusing array of different versions of you, including old and new, and work and home versions? This guide explains how you can quickly and easily bring coherence to your digital footprint.

How to turn your research findings into a video that people actually want to watch

Our guide to making or commissioning videos based on ideas that will make your research findings stick in people's memories.

Tips and tools for making your online meetings and workshops more interactive

We found that there are about 27 different tools out there for running online events. We focused on those that would be best suited for meetings of small groups, and those for running interactive workshops small to medium sized groups.

How to become influential on social media

In this episode, Mark interviews the brains behind @CECHR_OuD to reveal how she reached 87,000 followers in four years, currently growing at 150 followers per day, to become one of the most influential research institutional Twitter accounts in the world.

Material from handbook

Material from the handbook

The Research Impact Handbook thumbnail

Podcasts and videos

Podcasts and videos

Evidencing impact from Media Engagement: Part 1

Mark discusses three ways you can evidence impacts arising from media coverage of your research, with a particular focus on understanding the significance of the benefits, rather than just focusing on measurements of reach.

Evidencing impact from Media Engagement: Part 2

Mark interviews Yamni Nigam, Professor of Biomedical Sciences, and Clare Lehane, Impact Support Officer, at Swansea University, about how Yamni got her research on maggot therapy for wounds featured in four episodes of the popular UK soap Casualty, watched by 4.5 million people every week.

Podcasting for impact

Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? Mark talks to an academic whose podcast gets 1.5 million downloads a year and has spun off into a book series and live show.

Using social media to build engagement throughout the research process

Mark interviews Jane Mills and Jasmine Black from CCRI at University of Gloucestershire about how they are using social media to generate research impact.

How to become influential on social media

In this episode, Mark interviews the brains behind @CECHR_OuD to reveal how she reached 87,000 followers in four years, currently growing at 150 followers per day, to become one of the most influential research institutional Twitter accounts in the world.

How to start a newsletter that will get read and generate impact from your research

How to start a newsletter that will get read and generate impact from your research

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