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Presenting with impact
Online course

Course Description

This session will give you practical skills and confidence to deliver presentations that drive action and leave a lasting impression. Learn from research on what makes a compelling presentation, including insights from TED talk speakers, and consider how you can have just as much impact face-to-face and online. Discuss tips on dealing with nerves and increasing your confidence as a public speaker. Finally, consider alternative talk structures, select one, and work on a script for a talk of your own, about your research. Share your talk in small groups and get peer feedback, before discussing what you learned in plenary, and watching a showcase of video elements that can add impact to a talk. As part of the session you will receive an electronic copy of the second edition of The Research Impact Handbook.

Key benefits:

  • Learn how to give presentations like a TED talk speaker, even if you lack experience and confidence

  • Gain practical skills in how to present effectively online and face-to-face, connecting powerfully with your audience to capture their attention and drive action based on your research

  • Discuss practical ways to tackle nerves and increase the confidence of your delivery

  • 3 hour version only:  See examples of different talk structures, select one, and work on a script for a talk of your own, about your research. 

  • 3 hour version only: Share your talk in pairs and get peer feedback, before discussing what you learned in plenary.

At the end of the workshop:

  • You receive slides and links to free resources to help you embed impact in your research

  • You have the option to make a commitment to an action based on the course and receive a follow-up email from Prof Reed to check in and help as necessary after a month. 

  • Prof Reed continues to answer all questions from participants via email after the course, guaranteeing a response to all questions within one week.

Optional preparation for the workshop

If you would like to prepare for the workshop, you can view a 5-part vlog series on Presenting with impact below, and you can also read the blog on 'Presenting with Impact'.

What does a typical day look like?

Book now


Full-day workshop (6 hours) £3580 (VAT exempt) 

Half-day workshop (3 hours) £1920 (VAT exempt)

1.5 hour workshop £1080 (VAT exempt)

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