Consider applying for a policy fellowship, internship, or shadowing scheme. These opportunities vary by country and research field, often focusing on applied areas, and may cover costs from travel expenses to salary.
Most schemes focus on supporting specific policy development or producing policy-relevant outputs like evidence syntheses or briefing papers. Others involve working within a policy team to address urgent demands. Such experiences provide valuable insights into government operations and the challenges policy colleagues face, helping you build empathetic relationships. You'll gain perspectives from engaging with diverse evidence and colleagues who have worked across multiple departments.

Interview with Iain Williams
In this interview, Iain Williams, Director of Strategic Partnerships at NERC, discusses NERC’s strategy for bridging research and policy. He outlines various initiatives and funding streams to support researchers in connecting with policymakers, such as the National and Public Good funding, Urgent Grants Funding, and the Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Program. Williams also highlights new programs like Agenda Setting Fellows and Changing the Environment, which foster interdisciplinary collaboration to address environmental challenges.